Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cream and Sugar Please

Let me tell you about the title.  Cockroach in my coffee.  I work in a crappy factory, getting there at 6:00am everyday.  I used to go in every morning and get a crappy cup of coffee out of the vending machine.  No pot of fresh coffee,  hit the button and it spouts out in a tiny little cup so fucking hot that it melts your tongue.  Worst coffee in the world!!!  It's easier than getting my ass out of the car standing in line at a gas station and paying two bucks.  I'm lazy and cheap.  Anyway.  I get this coffee, pour a little cold water in it from the tap.  Find my seat in the breakroom.  Same seat I've sat in for 7 years. (i know, it's like high school)  I blow on it a little. It's all foamy like it's from starbucks or something.  Thinking "this is just what I needed."  Taking a drink I notice there is something floating around in my mouth.  What could it be?  I spit it in my hand. Heart beating faster as a look down.  A FUCKING COCKROACH!!!!  Holy shit, a cockroach, not only in my coffee, but in my MOUTH.  OH MY GOD!!  I head straight to the front desk.  Throw it on the table and proceed to scream at the secretary.  She tells me it's not her fault and I should be so upset.  I told her to put it in her fucking mouth and we'll see how she feels about it.  She handed me my 50 cents back and said she's check into it.  Whatever. What do you think, I brought this from home so I could get a free crappy tiny cup of coffee?  Kiss my Ass!! 

I hate my job.

Monday, July 16, 2012


 Hi.  This is totally my sister's idea.  So I thought I might give it a try.
 Let me start with Me.  I am married have two wonderful boys and a really shitty job.  I live in a small town,  in a small house, and have a small dog.  Everything's small in my life except my love for my family and my ass. I'm starting this blog, I guess to vent. Maybe my awsome husband doesn't have to hear about how much I hate my job so much.  It's never boring in my life so this may be fun. 

 So that's Me.